
Thursday 27 October 2011

collegue dinner

Last Monday, i had a dinner with my seniors. This is the first time all juniors had dinner together with second yr seniors. We went to a restaurant call Janbo restaurant. The food is great, its been a long time since i had nice chinese food! During that nice, we had singing session, prize giving and also sharing session. It was really an awesome night especially the sharing session. We share our feelings and our uni life experience, and the seniors really share what they have been through. Through this session, i have a strong feeling that my uni life will be fun and i can hang on till i graduate. I an really grateful to be in UKM and to get into a such good collage. We get to know each other better and have a stronger bond. Besides that, we celebrated birthdays for all those who are born in the month of October. We gave them a surprise. There are altogether 7 of them.

                                                       the main dish :D

                                                               my table

                                                                    the girls
                                                       October babies...
                                                        the group photo... all of us!

                                                          prize i got....

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