
Thursday 29 September 2011

Tips to prevent monkey attacks

Monkey attacks are extremely rare in the wild. here are some Fact, Do and Don't for all of you.
  1. Don't yell, scream or sing to the monkey.
  2. Avoid eye contact. It is a threat to monkey.
  3. Never show your teeth. A toothy grin means challenge to monkey. You should even avoid smilling.
  4. Never heckle a monkey. They have feelings and easily get irritated.
  5. Avoid on having food, shinny jewellery, glasses with you. Monkeys are attracted to things that shine, smell good and make noise.
  6. No pictures. A monkey seeing its own reflection in the lens of your camera may trigger an attack.
  7. If you must retreat, back away slowly while still facing the monkey; running or showing fear will boost their confidence rather than causing them to back down.



Monday 26 September 2011

a simple introduction about my self

My name is Sharoon Goo. I am from Penang. I took Stpm last year and currently i am a first year student doing a degree in Bussiness Admin in Ukm. UKM was my second choice and i m really glad and contented that i can be enrolled here.  I plan to major in accounting for my second year. In my family, i am the eldest daughter. I had 2 younger brother.

I had been here for 3 weeks and so far life in uni was awesome. I learn a lot and gain a lot experience. I start to adapt to live without my family and being independence. There reason i choose to study in a uni that is far form my hometown is because i wanna experience something different from my current life. Thus, for my coming years in Ukm, i hope to enjoy life as a uni student and make more memorable memories in my life